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А - Б - В - Г - Д - Е - Ж - З - И - К - Л - М - Н - О - П - Р - С - Т - У - Ф - Х - Ц - Ч - Ш - Щ - Э - Ю - Я

Аккорд песни Marcy Playground - Sex And Candy
Просмотров: 387
Дата добавления: 08.09.2010
Категория: M
G5: 355xxx F#: 2443xx
B5: x244xx (или x2443x) A5: x022xx
D : xx0232 A : x0222x
Bm: x24430 G : 3554xx
D : x00232 (тип 2)

B5 G5 F#5
Hangin´ ´round down-town by my-self and I had
B5 G5 F#5 B5
So much time to sit and think about myself. And then there she was,
G5 F#5 B5
Like double cherry pie. Yeah, there she was, like
G5 F#5
Disco super-fly

[риф в начале каждой строчки*]

I smell sex and
B5 G5 A5 [*]
Can - dy here. Mm Hmmm. Who´s that loung-ing
B5 G5 A5 [*]
In my chair? Mm hmmm. Who´s that cast-ing
B5 G5 A5
De-vious stares in my direc-tion. Mama this surely is a dream

D A Bm G
Dig it Yeah, mama, this surely is a dream

Bm G F#

Hangin´ ´round downtown by myself and I´ve had
Too much caffeine and I was thinkin bout myself. And then there she was
In platform double suede. Yeah there she was, like
Disco lemonade

I smell sex and
B5 G5 A5 [*]
Can - dy here. Mm Hmmm. Who´s that loung-ing
B5 G5 A5 [*]
In my chair? Mm hmmm. Who´s that cast-ing
B5 G5 A5
De-vious stares in my direc-tion. Mama this surely is a dream

D A Bm G
Yeah Yeah, mama, this surely is a dream

Bm G D(тип 2)
Yeah, ma-ma, this must be my dream.
Marcy Playground - Sex And Candy аккорд песни