Суббота, 08.02.2025, 23:00
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Аккорды к песням нашим

0-9 - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
А - Б - В - Г - Д - Е - Ж - З - И - К - Л - М - Н - О - П - Р - С - Т - У - Ф - Х - Ц - Ч - Ш - Щ - Э - Ю - Я

Аккорд песни Offspring - Pretty Fly
Просмотров: 369
Дата добавления: 08.09.2010
Категория: O
There were no decent tabs for this song, so i spent an agonous 30min or so typing
this up in readable format. One thing to note is that the number of chords typed
may not be the exact number of chords played, get me? I mean I have just given the
basic chord, and not the actual timing for changing...Have Fun

/ - slide up
- slide down


Verses: For 2nd guitar:
|---7-----7----7--| |----------------------|
|---7-----7----7--| |----------------------|
|-----------------| |----------------------|
|-----------------| |----------------------|
|-----------------| |--2----------7--5--2--|
|-----------------| |----2--5--7-----------|
(repeat that a
bunch of times...)

Chorus: (hard)
|--77--------------|-----5-5----------| repeat x2
(repeat measure)

Ending of chorus:

In the 3rd verse:
|-----| |---|
|-----| |---|
|-----| |---|
|--9--| |-9-|
|--9--| |-9-|
|--7--| |-7-|
..and he´s trying too hard, but he´s not quite hip

End with:
|--------------| |--------|
|--------------| |--------|
|-12---14---12-| |--------|
|-12---14---12-| |----9---|
|-10---12---10-| |----9---|
|--------------| |----7---|
The worlds needs wannabe´s.. Hey! Hey do that brand new thing!
Offspring - Pretty Fly аккорд песни