Суббота, 08.02.2025, 22:48
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0-9 - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
А - Б - В - Г - Д - Е - Ж - З - И - К - Л - М - Н - О - П - Р - С - Т - У - Ф - Х - Ц - Ч - Ш - Щ - Э - Ю - Я

Аккорд песни U.D.O. - They Want War
Просмотров: 402
Дата добавления: 09.06.2010
Категория: U
Песня взята с сайта www.accepttabs.cjb.net

Riff 1
Gtr1: Clean Electric
4 3 1

This pattern is played very simply. You have only to pick the 17th fret with the index
finger (the 1st) and release it, when necessary.<

. . .then
|--17-17-17----------17----19 19-19-19-19-19-19-19-|
2 3 2 4

. . . play one more time Rhy.fig.1, then . . .
|-----------19-19-19--17-17-17-17-17-17-17 many times---------------||
|----------------------------------------(when play it last time)---||
3 4 2

. . . play all this(Riff 1) 3 times

. . . after the 1st repeat, the second guitar joins. . .

Riff 2
Gtr 2: Distortion


Riff 3a
Both Guitars

Riff 3b
. . . They are young and they´re kids . . . And believe what they see . . .

. . . That to do what they´ve been told . . .

. . . And so they walk away with open eyes . . .

. . . Some are eight or nine or ten . . .

. . . And they die like a fly . . . And no one knows . . .

. . . Who they are, they´re smaller than the gun they load . . .

Fill 1

Riff 4
. . . See their eyes open wide . . .
pm ... ... ....... ... .... ...

. . . They died before they ever cried . . .
pm ... ... ....... ... .... ...

Riff 3b. . . They die in the streets and they die in the fields . . .

. . . When they do what they´ve been told . . .

. . . But now they´re lying dead . . . Their eyes are closed . . .

. . . Some are eight or nine or ten . . .

. . . And they die like a fly . . . And no one knows . . .

. . . Who they are, they´re smaller than the gun . . .

Fill 2
. . . they load . . .

Riff 4
. . . See their eyes open wide . . .
pm ... ... ....... ... .... ...

. . . They died before they ever cried . . .
pm ... ... ....... ... .... ...

. . . Who taught them how - how to pray . . .
pm ... ... ....... ... .... ...

. . . Who told them they´re in paradise when they´re gonna die . . .
pm ... ... ....... ...

Fill 3

(I´m not sure about the chorus, but here it is . . .)

Gtr 1
Riff 5a
. . . They are blind and they can´t fight . . . . . . They want war . . .

. . . They are blind and they can´t fight . . . . . . They want war . . .

Riff 5b
. . . They are blind and they can´t fight . . . . . . They want war . . .

. . . They are blind and they can´t fight . . . . . . They want . . .

Fill 4
. . . w a r . . .
U.D.O. - They Want War аккорд песни